Unlocking the Origins of Upright Walking: New Insights from Fossil 3D Scans
Exploring the Evolution of Bipedalism
The evolution of bipedal locomotion marks a defining moment in human history, representing a critical adaptation that shaped our ancestors' survival and behavior. While bipedalism is a hallmark of modern humans, understanding its origins has long puzzled scientists. Were our ancestors predominantly ground-walking bipeds, or did they retain traits suited for life in the trees? A recent study in the American Journal of Primatology1 sheds new light on this evolutionary milestone, using advanced 3D scanning techniques to examine fossil evidence.
3D Scans Reveal Hidden Clues
The research team, led by Professor Josep M. Potau from the University of Barcelona, developed an innovative approach to study how early hominins moved. By analyzing the muscle insertion sites on ulna bones from modern primates and fossil hominins, researchers gained precise insights into the locomotion styles of our ancient relatives.
"The elbow joint, formed by the humerus, ulna, and radius, plays a critical role in different types of arboreal locomotion, such as brachiation," Potau explained. "The brachialis muscle, responsible for elbow flexion, and the triceps brachii muscle, which enables elbow extension, leave distinct markers on the ulna."

The Role of Muscle Insertion Sites
To study these markers, the team used 3D scans of ulna bones from modern primates like bonobos, chimpanzees, and gorillas, as well as fossilized remains of Australopithecus, Paranthropus, and early Homo species. By comparing the surface areas of the brachialis and triceps brachii muscle insertion zones, the researchers identified patterns that correlated with different locomotion strategies.
"Primates that frequently use arboreal locomotion, such as bonobos, have larger insertion areas for the brachialis muscle, which supports climbing," Potau noted. "In contrast, more terrestrial species, like chimpanzees and gorillas, exhibit larger insertion zones for the triceps brachii."
Arboreal and Bipedal Adaptations in Early Hominins
The findings revealed that fossil species like Australopithecus and Paranthropus displayed adaptations for both bipedalism and arboreal locomotion. These hominins showed muscle insertion patterns resembling those of bonobos, suggesting a dual lifestyle of tree climbing and ground walking. Notably, the study confirmed the presence of arboreal traits in the enigmatic Australopithecus sediba and Paranthropus boisei, further enriching our understanding of their ecological niches.
"The ratio between brachialis and triceps brachii insertion zones in these genera aligns closely with bonobos, highlighting their ability to combine bipedal locomotion with tree-based activities," Potau explained.
Shifts in Locomotion Among the Homo Genus
In contrast, the analysis of early Homo species—such as H. ergaster, H. neanderthalensis, and archaic H. sapiens—indicated a significant shift toward terrestrial bipedalism. These species lacked the anatomical adaptations for arboreal locomotion seen in their predecessors, reflecting a decisive move toward life on the ground.
"The muscle insertion ratios in early Homo species are comparable to those of modern humans, emphasizing their full commitment to bipedal walking," Potau stated.
Expanding the Scope of Fossil Research
This groundbreaking methodology opens new avenues for studying locomotion in extinct species. By applying similar techniques to other anatomical regions, researchers can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the physical adaptations that shaped our evolutionary journey.
"This approach could be extended to other areas with well-defined muscle insertion zones, providing valuable insights into locomotion and behavior in fossil species," Potau concluded.
Bridging the Past and Present
The study's findings underscore the complex evolutionary pathways that led to modern human locomotion. The ability to walk upright while retaining some climbing capabilities likely offered early hominins a survival advantage, enabling them to navigate diverse environments. As researchers continue to refine these techniques, the story of human evolution becomes ever clearer, revealing the intricate interplay of biology, behavior, and environment that defines our shared history.
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Ciurana, N., Casado, A., Rodríguez, P., García, M., Pastor, F., & Potau, J. M. (2024).
Quantitative analysis of the brachialis and triceps brachii insertion sites on the proximal epiphysis of the ulna in modern hominid primates and fossil hominins.
American Journal of Primatology, 86(12). DOI:10.1002/ajp.23690
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Ciurana, N., Casado, A., Rodríguez, P., García, M., Pastor, F., & Potau, J. M. (2024). Quantitative analysis of the brachialis and triceps brachii insertion sites on the proximal epiphysis of the ulna in modern hominid primates and fossil hominins. American Journal of Primatology, 86(12). https://doi.org/10.1002/ajp.23690